

Biker Boys

Everyday last summer the boys cruised around the neighborhood. It took Quinn a while to conquer the hill but he did it! Mitchell just can't seem to go fast enough for his liking.


After a weekend of fishing, treasure hunting on the beach, chasing the dogs, hiking, kite flying, eating ice cream, learning to skip rocks, collecting fire wood, and being little boys...what else would you expect!

All Dressed up

What a pair of handsome boys!


What did he say?

Mom: Quinn look there's a Moose at Kira's School.
Quinn: I see it.
Mom: Do Moose go to school?
Quinn: NO, only people and OWLS!!

Quinn: Can I have a snack?
Mom: No, you just had dinner.
Quinn: Can I have another dinner?

Mom: Quinn come here.
Mitchell: Mom, I'm not Quinn
Mom: Why can't Mom get your names right?
Mitchell: Because you've been reading "Fox in Socks" too much.

(Mom and Mitchell driving through town.)
Mitchell: Mommy we should never get a silly red car!
Mommy: Why not?
Mitchell: Bcause it is too small to put fishing poles in and we would never get to go fishing!
Mom: You're right we will never get a silly red car!


Scott continues work at the BLM, playing with fire and camping on glaciers. When not flying in a helicopter somewhere in Alaska's wilderness however, Scott has fun taking the boys to the swimming pool, building our fantastic new deck and of course, watching Nebraska football.


Lego castles, laundry, playdough volcanoes, laundry, forts, sledding, laundry, Buzz Lightyear action figures, soccer balls and more laundry. If you haven't guessed, Lori is a stay-at-home mom and most days loves her job! On days that are not "most days" I call Scott at work and ask him where I turn in my resignation letter.
To be a Mom of boys is to be blessed beyond measure!

(right) Flat Top in Anchorage - fall 2006
(left) This was a great day off for Mom! The kids were with Nana and I went hiking up "Wind Tower" in the beautiful Canadian Rockies.


Mitchell loves to color and draw with great precision, build with legos and sled down the hill in the backyard like a wild man!

Here is a picture of Mitchell this past summer enjoying a hike in Seward.


Quinn, our little fisherman, loves to do whatever his big brother is doing. He loves playing with cars, animals and legos. Playdough is also a favorite along with mealtime!