

The Guyers 2008 year at a glance:

Mitchell: Started 1st Grade and has really become a great student. He has come a long way with his reading and is now comfortably reading at a 2nd grade level. Art continues to be one of his favorite subjects and he also enjoys "hard math". Mitchell is now playing on a hockey team (the Blue Rhinos) and has even scored a couple goals this winter. It's hard to believe that in just days he will be 7!

Quinn: Is enjoying his last year of preschool and loves going there with his two buddies, Shane and Beringer. Quinn no longer walks on the ice but has really learned to skate this fall. He enjoys going to the pool with Dad and has become quite the snorkeler.

Scott: Continues work at BLM, spending much of the summer months running a research camp at the Bering Glacier, flying in helicopters, boating through the icebergs, and researching on the north slope (the most northern area of AK). When not working in Alaska's wilderness, Scott enjoys taking family and friends fishing in Katchemak and Ressurection Bay in search of Halibut and Salmon.

Lori: Volunteering in Mitchell's class, hosting a ladies Bible study, having play dates for Quinn, and working out has kept me busy. I ran a 12K, a couple 5-milers and my first half-marathon this summer. New on my plate this winter is teaching fitness classes at The Alaska Club which has been a rewarding challenge.

Sprig: At over 14 years old Sprig is moving very slowly and has trouble navigating the stairs. Otherwise, he is doing fairly well and is still likes to play in the snow and give everything he comes across a good sniff.

Husker: Sadly, we said good-bye to Husker this fall as he could no longer battle the cancer he was facing. He is remembered by all and certainly Sprig misses his good buddy.

The Guyers wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with blessings!