
Mother's Day

As mother's Day approaches a few thoughts come to mind

My Mother is a woman that I am proud of. She has taught me so much and I am grateful for her presence in my life. Here is just a tiny view of her influence on me.

My Mother taught me to put family first. She always considered others before herself, especially when it came to family. She would always give us the best of everything we had even if that was not much. She would take the strawberry with the bruise and give us the good ones, she would give us the last piece of anything and take none for herself, she would give us the last sip of water even though she herself was parched. Mom was selfless. I try to follow her example but rarely am I as successful.

My Mother was thrifty. She never spent too much money on anything. She made things from scratch, sewed our clothes, mended what was broken, created Halloween costumes rather than purchasing them, hung clothes on a line to dry, made a game out of an empty spool of thread and some leftover buttons, and grew an enormous garden, spending hours preserving everything so her family would have fresh vegetables through the winter. My thumb will never be as green as hers, although I try to spend wisely, as she has taught me.

My Mother kept our humble home clean, even if that meant getting down on her hands and knees. She is not afraid to scrub what needs scrubbing, get behind the fridge, move the bookcase and find every last dust bunny. My housekeeping skills keep my home clean and I thank my Mom for showing me how it's done.

My Mother is tough. She can withstand great heartache, moving her family across the country multiple times, job changes, new business ventures, canoe trips with toddlers, rebellious teenagers and so much more I will never know. What I do know is that she protected her children from so much and held it together because she is a tough, strong woman.

My Mother is soft at heart. She handmade toys that we fell in love with. A toy she made sure made it into her purse before a long trip so when we cried for forgetting it at home, she would pull it out to our great relief. She held a wash cloth on our foreheads while we threw up in the middle of the night. She came with cough syrup in the wee hours when we needed it. She gently brushed all the knots out of my long hair and took the time to braid it before school. She always fixed the bumps and bruises and knew how to sooth a fat lip. She would lay with me as I tried to fall asleep for an afternoon nap, rocking ever so gently. She just took care of us. Thank you Mom for teaching me how to care so deeply.

To my Mother: I love you with all my heart and I thank you for teaching me how to get through life with grace, dignity and strength. For the woman I have become and the woman I strive to be I thank you for all you've taught me and continue to teach me.

Your Daughter